Fawad Khan and Vaani Kapoor’s ‘Abir Gulaal’ has officially completed filming in London, marking a new milestone for this highly anticipated romantic comedy. Directed by Aarti...
Tabish Hashmi one of Pakistan’s most beloved hosts, currently leads the comedy-based interview show “Hasna Mana Hai”. Fans thoroughly enjoy his engaging style and humor. With...
Following India’s decision to lift its ban on Pakistani actors in Bollywood, Fawad Khan announced his much-anticipated return to the Indian film industry with his upcoming...
Ridhi Dogra shares doubts on working with Fawad Khan, revealing that she took extra steps to ensure her participation in the film ‘Abir Gulaal’ was legally...
IMDB listings reveal that Bilal Abbas and Ayeza Khan are joining Fawad Khan in the highly anticipated crime thriller series The Prisoner. This powerhouse cast brings...
Pakistani actor Fawad Khan is set to take on exciting new roles as he gears up for two major projects: a crime thriller and a dark...