Fahad Sheikh began his career as a host before transitioning into acting. He started with supporting roles and gradually earned his place in lead positions. He...
Adnan Shah Tipu, a renowned Pakistani actor known for his compelling portrayal of complex characters, recently appeared on Samaa TV’s morning show, “Subh Ka Samaa,” hosted...
Zainab Shabbir is a rising star in the entertainment industry, known for her versatility in playing both positive and negative roles. Despite her success, she remains...
Mikaal Zulfiqar, one of Pakistan’s biggest stars, has been captivating audiences with his performances for over two decades. Currently seen in the drama “Dil e Nadaan,”...
Maya Khan is a well-known actress, host, and artist who started her career in the early days of PTV. After moving into hosting and working on...
In a recent podcast, Alina Abbas Shah, who has gained fame for her role as Safina in the popular drama Noor Jahan, talked openly about her...